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radical democracy meaning in Hindi

radical democracy sentence in Hindi

आमूल परिवर्तनवादी लोकतंत्र
radical    मूल शब्द
democracy    प्रजातंत्र राज्य
1.2. There was not any block on radical democracy on the number of member in ministry, But number of member in ministry is restricted to 15% of parliament members, after the 91th amendment, Same way member in assembly council is restricted to 15% of assembly council members and minimum 12 Ministers will be their.
2 मंत्रिपरिषद की सद्स्य संख्या पर मौलिक संविधान मे कोई रोक नही थी किंतु 91 वे संशोधन के द्वारा मंत्रिपरिषद की संख्या लोकसभा के सद्स्य संख्या के 15% तक सीमित कर दी गयी वही राज्यों मेभी मंत्रीपरिषद की संख्या विधानसभा के 15% से अधिक नही होगी पंरंतु न्यूनतम 12 मंत्री होंगे

How to say radical democracy in Hindi and what is the meaning of radical democracy in Hindi? radical democracy Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.